"I find it difficult to explain just how much of an influence Jason Thomas has had on my life. As my school drama teacher in year 6, not only did he manage to convert me from a kid who didn’t have any interest in drama to the lead character in the school play, but he inspired a confidence in me that has shaped who I am today.
Now in my final year of a physics degree with an internship secured for this summer I remember how little self-confidence I had when I was younger. I truly owe Jason for this transformation."
James Milne played Jack in Lord of the Flies

"I’ve thought about this most of the day so now’s the time to say it. The atmosphere at the theatre last night, the performances, the laughter, the community, the “way beyond their years” understanding of a play I still struggle with, are the very reasons that my son has flourished at the school. People like yourself who go the extra yard, ask for the extra push and create something so wonderful, through hard work and real creativity, make us so thrilled that he has been able to be a part of your production. Thank you Jason. You deserve every plaudit that comes your way."
Simon Aboud - Parent
"What a fantastic show Jason!! Congratulations!
So impressive and such a joy to see such talent! Thank you for including Harry, he’s enjoyed it enormously and it’s been a great experience for him.
The kids are very lucky to have you!"
Katy Abrahams - Parent

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for giving Conrad such a tremendous experience with black box. Watching him on stage, he has come on leaps and bounds from last year, thanks to all of your work and effort. He was so pleased with the experience and how he had done, it was wonderful to see. Thank you for everything you’ve done with him and Jacob over the years, once again. They are so lucky to have you in their lives."
Isabel Dedring - Parent
"Just wanted to drop you a quick email to say a huge thank you and well done on last night's performance.
I should have known, after seeing Zack in Macbeth two years ago, that you set your standards very high, but you truly excelled yourself last night! It was thoroughly brilliant in every way.
The boys were fabulous - but you should be very proud of yourself too!
Thank you so much for all your hard work and patience - it certainly paid off in an outstanding performance! Congratulations!"
Andrea C - Parent

"I just want to congratulate you for yesterday – I honestly do not know how you do it, but you have pulled off an absolute triumph. I am not sure how a group of 9/10 year olds managed to create comedy and pathos so successfully.
You need to be bottled – what you do with the children is just amazing.
Thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm – I know one little Myers man who LOVEs performing! In a large part inspired by you!!"
Emma Myers - Parent
"The effort (and talent!) that you and all the boys put into the performance was astonishing and left us feeling so proud of everyone involved.
It was so a professional and we had to keep reminding ourselves that these were just 10/11 year old boys.
On a very personal note Zak thoroughly enjoyed it, he loved the fact that was dancing his way through it and even said afterwards that he was sad it was over! Which coming from Zak is quite something.
Thank you so much for all you have done for the boys in giving them such a love for drama. Your passion is inspiring!"
Mandi S - Parent

"I had feelings of trepidation as I took my four young boys to see Jason Thomas’s production of Twelfth Night. I feared they would wriggle in their seats and be disruptive. Instead, they sat transfixed throughout the whole performance. On the way back home, they were bursting with questions and observations about the play. What I realised was that children learn from and are most stimulated by watching other children perform and that my four messy boys would not have sat as attentively through a performance by even the greatest Oscar winners with as much concentration and rapture. This is the magic of children studying drama together. They are learning and acquiring huge amounts of culture while having so much fun."
Claire Roesing - Parent
"I really enjoyed and appreciated my time with Mr Thomas. It was amazing to do such a big play, but he made it feel really manageable at the same time, so it wasn’t too overwhelming. It was unbelievable to experience the feeling of being on a real stage, performing a serious play to an audience. It’s truly beneficial for later life as it builds your confidence for things like public speaking, as well as helping your actual dramatic abilities."
Jacob played Lady Macbeth

"I just wanted to say that I never cease to be amazed by what you manage to achieve with a bunch of 10 and 11 year olds. I am so sad that I watched my last play last night but I think you saved the best til last!! It was truly astounding. I don’t think I have ever seen one where they miss some lines out or someone misses their cue. It was incredible how polished they were.
It has been a great confidence boost for Milo and he was buzzing all night.
Thank you for all you hard work. It is greatly appreciated by all."
Sarah Burns - Parent
"It is no exaggeration to say that our son’s experience acting in Macbeth with Jason was life-changing. He loved every minute of it and grew in confidence throughout the year. This confidence and maturity did not just express itself in drama but affected how he carried himself in other arenas.
Jason’s caring approach to each child as an individual, his belief in them, his deep experience and his understanding of the material are all truly exceptional.
I have no hesitation recommending Jason to any parent looking for a world-class drama experience for their child that will also shape them more widely."
Isabel Dedring - Parent

"I just wanted thank you for the huge amount of effort, patience and hard work that you put in to achieve what was an incredible play.
My parents came from Manchester to watch and were obviously bursting with pride (I believe there may have also been a few tears shed!)
The production was a huge testament to you, I certainly didn’t envy the task you had!
Thank you so much again for giving us an unforgettable afternoon."
Zoe B - Parent
"Both my sons have been fortunate enough to be taught drama by Jason. I watched them grow, gain confidence and belief in themselves through exceptional teaching and nurturing. The plays conceived and developed by Jason were simply outstanding. He set a standard that seemed beyond the reach of school children and yet with passion, dedication and genuine care, exceeded it time and again.
My boys loved and cherished the rehearsals; they grew and blossomed, achieving quite memorable performances. Jason and his drama are amongst our very best memories of school days."
Nicky Milne - Parent

"I just wanted to thank you so much for all your hard work – it was certainly worth it.
The play was spectacular – the boys were amazing – how they learnt those lines and delivered them so well is beyond me. how fantastic to know Shakespeare so well at such a young age and to be so familiar with one of his plays – it will stand them all in good stead for what lies ahead.
Max enjoyed every minute of the preparation, rehearsals, the pre performance nerves and above all being part of something so special. He lacks so much confidence and to stand up there and perform has made him feel just great. He’s even talking about carrying on with drama – stranger things have happened!!
You must be so thrilled – thank you again from all of us.
Look forward to Louis’ performance, and then the twins……………………"
Emma Myers - Parent
"What a fabulous evening! It is quite amazing the level of drama these kids can absorb and then perform and act out on stage. I am genuinely impressed by your choice of pieces and how you bring it all together.
You are a true gem of a teacher!"
Frederique Tan - Parent

"A massive Congratulations to you !! I am absolutely amazed by your creativity and skills. Last night’s performance was BRILLIANT!!!
I cannot thank you enough. My son has grown to love drama and it has given him such confidence. He absolutely adores you (as do I)!!!
I thought that his performance was superb and very funny! My 2 year old niece also attended last night and could not stop telling us all that “Dander is a cheeky monkey”.
Thanks again for everything."
ANON - Parent
"Thank you for your immense efforts in creating Twelfth Night.
Having attended each of the three performances, we can perhaps appreciate the herculean task that you set yourself. Not content with having to cope with over 60 children, you decided to add a dog! W. C. Fields would consider you insane, but you certainly pulled it off.
Everything seemed to work perfectly, timing, intonation, choreography and music. We had to keep reminding ourselves that these guys are only 10 and 11!!!
What is so fascinating is that this is probably the only time that ALL the children will experience what it is like to be an integral part of a VERY real thespian endeavour. Whilst comfort and skill levels of course vary, one thing that was entirely consistent across all actors, was their absolute commitment and determination to do the best they could. Clearly an incredible testimony to both your personal impact and the incredible camaraderie that the school seems to engender. Every boy seemed to understand that their role was absolutely crucial. How you managed to pull it all off with such a wonderfully calm temperament makes it even more noteworthy. Obviously, it would not have been possible without the incredible support that you managed to illicit from every one of your selfless team
In case you needed any external validation beyond the heartfelt reception that you truly deserved after each performance, then please know that you have done something very unique and very worthwhile. As parents, we feel very, very lucky.
Twelfth Night is NEVER the easiest of Shakespeare’s plays but the incredibly clever way that you weaved in the 60’s songs, set Shakespeare’s own verses to contemporary tunes and the fabulous costumes made it such a special experience.
You are a very clever, talented man who has clearly (and we know from speaking to many many parents and children) had an immense impact on the children.
On a personal note, we would just like to try and find some words to articulate what Oskar will be clearly incapable of doing! As you well know, Oskar became very overwhelmed after all of his performances – and definitely the last one. He has clearly never had such an all-consuming and incredible experience. Perhaps not surprising for an 11-year old who has perforce not had that many experiences yet, but clearly singing and acting was the icing on the cake. For us, and I am sure for many other parents, we had the most bizarre experience of watching on stage, particularly when he was singing, a mature, young adult version of a little boy we once knew! By your faith in him, you have given him a sense of confidence and achievement that many probably do not experience in their entire lifetime."
Verra and Aaron - Parents

"WOW – what a complete triumph last nights performance was. I am filled with emotion thinking about the incredible performance of ALL the boys.
A few weeks ago we were discussing the parts with my family and they wanted to know why Jaydon’s part was split. He explained that there were so many good actors in his class that you wanted to give everyone a fair share.
You achieved a phenomenal amount from the boys last night, to see them all shine together and individually was truly wonderful. They will remember last night their whole lives and hopefully come back and support future performances down the line. Adam and I are so proud of Jaydon, he worked so hard and was superb last night, I did literally cry with laughter when he came on stage. He loved every minute of it!
Thank you for giving him and all the actors the gift of confidence. To walk onto a stage and perform a very hard play, some of them dressed as girls in heals is truly a remarkable achievement. Every single boy will have grown from that experience.
Good luck with the next couple of nights and enjoy a well earnt rest when Friday comes.
A seriously massive huge thanks for your effort, passion, commitment, time and pursuit of excellence. The boys are incredibly privileged to have been taught by you."
Genevieve Jacobs - Parent
All testimonials kindly submitted by parents and students.